
PMTC appoints 2nd Vice Chair and 2 additional Board Members

For Immediate Release
January 26, 2023
PMTC appoints 2nd Vice Chair and 2 additional Board Members
At a recent board meeting the PMTC Board unanimously voted to name Angela Munsterman, Specialist, Transportation Compliance with Coca-Cola Canada Bottling Ltd, as the new 2nd Vice Chair of the PMTC Board. This appointment was made to fill a vacancy that was left earlier in the year as a result of staff movement in the industry.

Angela has been a member of the PMTC Board of Directors for the last 2 years and has been a valuable contributor to our industry and association for many years prior” stated PMTC President Mike Millian. “On behalf of the entire board, I look forward to continuing to work with Angela in her expanded role with the PMTC, and we know she will represent us and the industry well.
The board also voted to appoint two additional members to fill out vacant board roles for the remainder of the term. Effective today, Andy Walker, Ontario Distribution Manager for Molson-Coors, and Patricia Burke, Coordinator, Fleet Safety & Driver Training for Canadian Blood Services, will join the PMTC Board of Directors for the remainder of the 2022/2023 term. “We welcome the addition of two excellent PMTC industry representatives and look forward to the value and insight they will bring to our board to help guide our Council moving forward”, commented PMTC Chair Steve Lawn.

The PMTC is governed by a board of not less than 16 and not more than 25. Board Members serve 1-year terms, except for directors, who serve 2-year terms. Board terms run from June 30th to July 1st of each year. Bylaws indicate the board must consist of at least 60% Principal Fleet Members”. The current board term expires on June 30th of 2023. Elections for the board occur each year at the Annual General Meeting of the Members in June, and members can be appointed by the board to fill vacancies that may occur throughout the term.
Mike Millian
Private Motor Truck Council of Canada
225 Main Street East
Unit #5, Milton, On
L9T 1N9
Office: 905-827-0587
Cell: 519-932-0902
Fax: 905-827-8212

