
FAQ and Further Guidance: Canadian Border Measures, those delivery essential medical supplies and products are exempt

FAQ and Further Guidance: Canadian Border Measures, those delivery essential medical supplies and products are exempt

January 20, 2022

Please see updated messaging we received from PHAC in regards to exemptions for un vaccinated drivers returning to Canada who are hauling medical supplies.
Good afternoon,
Further to the message below, we are able to confirm that unvaccinated Canadian truckers who are returning to Canada with a delivery of medically necessary equipment (including medically necessary oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and helium) are exempted from pre-departure testing, tests in Canada and quarantine requirements. 

Click Here for Frequently Asked Questions – Canadian Vaccination Requirements
Click here for Foire aux questions - Exigences canadiennes en matière de vaccination

January 17/2022
The PMTC had several communications with CBSA and Transport Canada over the weekend seeking clarity on point 20 in the attached FAQ document. Point 20 indicates foreign national drivers who are bringing essential medical supplies into Canada will be exempt from the quarantine and testing requirements. The document specifically only mentions foreign national drivers. We are still waiting on clarity as to how this effects Canadian drivers returning to Canada, or if there will be a similar exemption for Canadian drivers entering the US once their border vaccination mandate comes into effect, which is expected to be this Saturday, January 22nd. See below for the statement we received from officials this weekend.
“With respect to unvaccinated Foreign national truck drivers who are transporting oxygen/medical gases into Canada, we can confirm that these products are considered to be included in the definition of medical “equipment” within the Order in Council and therefore this cohort would be permitted entry to Canada and would be exempt from testing and quarantine.  CBSA border officers have been provided guidance consistent with this interpretation.
We will have to get back to you regarding a Canadian driver in this circumstance.”
Mike Millian
Private Motor Truck Council of Canada
225 Main Street East
Unit #5, Milton, On
L9T 1N9
Office: 905-827-0587
Cell: 519-932-0902
Fax: 905-827-8212

